ConV2X Presents Outstanding Global Leaders and Influencers. To View more click HERE

See Full Agenda and Session Descriptions Here
Blockchain Scientific Committee

Join the acclaimed health tech modernization symposium catalyzing C-suite global market executives driving healthcare to the next plateau through initiatives, policy, trust building and low cost health solutions at #ConV2X 2021 “Driving Telehealth & Technology: Blueprint for a New Digital Health Era”
Focusing on health policy, telehealth and virtual care, blockchain and edge technologies, ConV2X 2021 is the premier destination community identifying new and cost effective paths forward through real world evidence, strategy, operations, research & trends.
Join healthcare leadership & breakthrough technology providers that inspire and guide informed decision making for
health policy development, health systems and world citizens to successfully navigate a new digital health era.
Experts from companies below include Founders, CEOs and Executives from start-ups, corporations, NGOs and government organizations that will share guidance for market transformation creation and robust resilience – stay tuned for MORE!
Past Open Access Keynotes

A WORLD-WIDE STRATEGY FOR DIGITAL HEALTH DELIVERY – At ConV2X 2020, Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus stated that we need “safe, effective and affordable applications of digital technology to support digital health…but there needs to be a digital health framework and strategy that addresses regulatory, benchmarking, and certifying digital health services for all countries, with regulations to protect the safety and privacy of patient health data.
ConV2X 2021 will assist closing the disparity in the delivery of digital health given the importance of WHO strategic priorities.

Democratizing Healthcare: Accelerating Virtual Care Adoption to Transform Care Delivery.” Join Joe to create the new normal we want, to “finally get health care right for everyone” including:
- Formulating a national strategy to address digital literacy & universal internet access
- Telehealthoffering real solutions for access in remote countries
- Allowing pre-deductible care for telehealth & remote services

Dr. Halamka discusses the “The Future of Virtual Care,” addressing persistent cultural, technology and policy changes in our new normal for health and quality care. In addition, the role of artificial intelligence, ethics and reducing racism and inequality are addressed.

CnV2X 2020 Opening Remarks: US-World Health Transformation.
Winner of the National Federation of Press Women (NFPW)
2020 First Place Speech Award
Media Partners
Produced By
(past meeting example below)

Diversity Commitment
Partners in Digital Health (PDH) is committed to supporting diversity, inclusion and egalitarianism across scientific and academic communication and in publishing practices.
This belief is reflected in our internal journal practices, editorial and peer review boards, in published content, journal and community outreach and ambassador chapters to demonstrate the portfolio’s integrity, trust and values to communities far and wide in tearing down any barriers and borders relating to knowledge, economics, age, race, gender, geography and political views. The founder and publisher has stated repeatedly since the journal’s inception, “all are welcome to the table.” The journal maintains an objective, unbiased and fair balanced posture at all times.
Priorities and actions include:
- Manuscript submission and Authorship
- Peer reviewers
- Editorial and Advisory Board Members
- ConV2X Conference and Pitch Competition
- Ambassador Chapters
- Fees and business model
We encourage all global citizens from all countries to learn, share and participate as equals.
We continuously address equity and inclusion in our portfolio in these areas and others as needed, to ensure our ongoing commitment to global equality, diversity and inclusion.